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Adobe Photoshop CS6 Error.


New Member
[h=1]While running Adobe Photoshop CS6 all of the sudden I got an error when trying to crop an image…“Could not build the Crop preview because of a program error.” I have been cropping images for 5 months and never received this error before.[/h] photoshop-crop-error.png
Found this, not sure if it will fix your issue, but worth a try

Follow the steps below to fix.
Step 1
Launch Adobe Photoshop CS6 and click on the Crop Tool on the left hand side.

Step 2
On the top left, reset the crop ratio in the drop down to “Original Ratio.” This somehow resets the crop tool.

You should now be able to crop again.
Step 3
You will probably want to then set it back to “Unconstrained.”
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Thanks Tom M

Forgot to add that bit, to reset preferences

Windows - CTRL-SHIFT-ALT immediately after you double-click the PS icon.

Macintosh - CMD-SHIFT-OPTION immediately after you double-click the PS icon.
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Follow the steps below to fix.
Step 1
Launch Adobe Photoshop CS6 and click on the Crop Tool on the left hand side.

Step 2

On the top left, reset the crop ratio in the drop down to “Original Ratio.” Thissomehowresetsthecroptool.
You should now be able to crop again.
Step 3

You will probably want to then set it back to “Unconstrained.”
CS6 so far has been the buggiest version of Adobe Creative Suite to date. Especially if you are running on an ATI GPU.
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@WHicks ....

Thanks. Any help is appreciated by everyone here but the OP's problem doesn't involve corrupt psd files or layers but may have something to do with the crop tool setting or even a simple PS quirk fix by resetting the preference file.
