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Can someone make this picture a silhouette


Silhouette Sample.jpg

I am trying to make a silhouette of the guy in red and the kickball so I can get it printed on a koozie for my kickball team. Preferably a black background and the figure white and the ball red. My team name is "Fresh Kicks" So if you have any ideas to make the shoes pop out please do so. Thank you!
A couple of things:

1) Some printers will reject an image as small as the one you posted (ie, 500 pixels horizontally), even if it is eventually going to be printed on an object as small as a koozie, so I enlarged Zero's very nice work to 2500 px wide. No printer should reject an image that size.

2) There are many different ways one could enhance the visibility of the kicking foot. You suggested (1) "outlining the shoe". But, for example, (2) one could outline the sole, but not the visible edges of the remainder of the shoe; (3) one could do the previous but add outlines for each of the lugs. One could (4) do the previous but fill in each of the lugs in black, etc. etc. To see which option you prefer I quickly took an advertising photo of an Addidas sole and tried out option #3. Personally, I would include some extra thin black lines that indicate the shape of that leg, but I wanted to open this discussion. What do you think?


Tom M

PS - I have to finish a paying job today, so I won't be able to work any further on this, but I'm sure one of the other guys will step in if you want something different.


  • Silhouette_Sample-tjm02_2500px_wide-with_shoe_sole_detail-01.jpg
    184.9 KB · Views: 2
Thanks guys for your efforts. My team and I really appreciate it! The pictures looks great! I would like it if it was more clear that the guy is kicking the ball. Like maybe outline the leg or something? I don't know, you guys are the pros.
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