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Can you please help me editing these two photos together?


New Member
Hello PhotoshopGurus,

This is my very first post and request. I'm very excited to be here. I'm willing to learn more about Photoshop now that I'm on a break.

I need help joining two photos together. I know it's pretty simple since they're both B&W, but they're still off when I'm trying to join them. My friend is a big fan of MJ & Mariah Carey and I would like to surprise her with a new theme. Please allow some space between the two pictures, so it can be uploaded as a cover on Facebook/Twitter.

I would like to do more in the future, but I can't think of any but these two pictures right now.

Thank you so so so much in advance! :):):)


  • tumblr_o69jsr50m61v5bfg6o2_1280.jpg
    83.2 KB · Views: 6
Thank you for your attempt sanjaymj!

That is what I've been trying to do, but the background colors don't match. I want it to look like its one picture, not two seperate pictures. But thank you so much for taking your time. I really appreciate it:thumbsup:

- LorenzoC
Wow! Great job!

Thank you so much for your time and work!

Can I ask you how you got the backgrounds the same color and put the pictures close together? (I'm a noob, really want to know everything about Photoshop)

- LorenzoC
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Can I ask you how you got the backgrounds the same color and put the pictures close together?

I opened both images separately.
The MC image was larger than the the MJ image so I sized it down to the same height as the MC image. It's better to to size a larger image down than it is to size a smaller image up.
I then used the Move Tool to move the MJ image into the MC image document.
I stacked the MJ image above the MC image in the layers panel.
I then extended the canvas in width using the Crop Tool to accommodate the added MJ image.
I used the Move Tool to position the MJ image.
I placed a layer mask on the MJ image and used the Brush Tool on the layer mask to blend the two images together.

It was here that I addressed the BG color difference.
I added a curves adjustment layer above the MJ image and added a clipping mask.
Using the Curves Adjustment layer I darkened the MJ image until the BG 's where the same.
I reversed the curves adjustment layers-layer mask. (made the layer mask black)
I then used the Brush Tool on the curves adjustment layers-layer mask to blend the BG around MJ.
Once I was happy with the results I merged the curves adjustment layers with the MJ image. (command + E)

I then made a stamp visible layer (shift + option + command + E).
I added a new layer above the stamp visible layer.

On the new layer, I used the Brush Tool to create/paint MJ's missing elbow.
I used the Clone Stamp Tool to clean up some areas and to extend MC's mike stand.

That's about it...............

If your just starting out, you need to learn about layer masking:
Photoshop:Understanding Layer Masks

Masks: Editable Selection

Layer Masks

How to use layer masks in Phtoshop

Blending photos together: Photoshop layer mask tutorial

Clipping Masks:

Thank you so much for your detailed explanation and links!

With this, I can hopefully make similar images in the future! So thank you all for your time.


- LorenzoC
