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Hello fellow Photoshop Users!

Angel Avi Imvu

New Member
Hey everyone .. I am looking forward to communicating with other CS6 users, as I am self-taught and am just beginning to get into more depth with the program. I am a products developer for IMVU and want my products to look more professional once they are added to a 3D Mesh. I have been watching amateur Photoshop tutorials, but feel I am missing out on useful information not mentioned in those videos. I am hoping someone can direct me to some more professional (free) tutorials that speak in a way that it doesn't go way over my head. I will do my best to share my knowledge (the little that I have) with others. Anyway, thanks in advanced to everyone with whom I come in contact with :cheesygrin:
Hi Angel and welcome to the forum.
Just post one of your images, describe your problem, and sooner or later someone will come along to help you.
Hello Angel and welcome to PSG. Post links and a description of the help you need to any of the tutorials in the General Ps forum.
