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Help! - Cant open photo in PS CS2..

I was editing JPEG files and all of a sudden I couldnt see any photo I opened in PS... I restarted my PC and my CS2 and tried to open a photo in PS again and it only shows in the little tiny box in top right hand corner but nothing in/on the PS box??? Totally confused..what did I do??
Ok here is what the screen looks like...totally gray and blank :sad: YOu can see in the top(ish) right hand corner a small version of the pic so its in there...somewhere in PS land...but I hva NO CLUE why I cant see it to edit it...

I clicked on Zoom OUt...no change... ??


  • DSC_7892.JPG
    53.5 KB · Views: 1
All I know is the last photo I had open in there, when I went to save it and close it out, my mouse jumped...and it mustve clicked on something when it did that b/c after that I cant see anything I open... that's all I know ..for now...
Have you tried Ctrl+0 which is View|Fit on Screen?

You can also try resetting your preferences file.

Start Photoshop and immediately hold down Ctrl+Alt+Shift (Windows)

or Command+Option+Shift (Mac OS X).

Then, click Yes to the message, "Delete the Adobe Photoshop Settings file?"
