I tried playing with it with free filters Nik Collection Color Effects) so you could do it yourself and it can be done with more care and time than I had..... The paper it is printed on must be smoothed out, heal all defects first. This is just a way to do it but someone else can add further methods
Select & Mask - use select and mask to choose all the back ground, then invert to choose, fill with white
In PS- Imagine Tab- choose all three - Auto Contrast, tone and color
Filter free from google- Nik Collection- Used Nik Color and Effects- from the sliders Use skin softening, pick sample tone of skin with the eye dropper, adjust the color of her skin to even and hide paper texture further, adjust hightlights, mids and shadows by playing with each to achieve the effect you want, under Defects use the sliders for large defects to hide most of the largest you couldn't heal earlier. When satisfied press ok and wait for it to lead into PS then change the layer from normal or Lighten. Attach a mask to erase the effect from eyes and mouth ( focal points)
Select the teeth, use curves to lighten, and levels to get rid of any red or green coloration that may show....same with the eyes to whiten eyes and brighten
Final, sharpen the whole picture slightly
Screen Shot