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Improve image for OCR processing


New Member
I am trying to us PS to improve a scanned image to make it sharp enough for an OCR reader to process it. It doesnt have to be 100%, and you can always alter some of the text, but as there are thousand of files which will potentially require the same process, and there is no possibility of rescanning, I am in need of help.

I have included a link to an example. Any help you can provide would be great.

If someone could have a go at cleaning the image up, and explain the process (maybe post what they'e come up with), that would be ideal. Even without seeing the results, a series of steps to follow, so I can try OCRing the image and post the outcome is what i'm hoping for.

Thanks in advance.

Thanks, its a bit of an improvement.
Thats more legible at face value, but when running an OCR on it, i'm still not getting much recognised, and its pretty garbled. I think it has to do with the number of artifacts, and the lack of definition of each letter.
Any other suggestions?
Thanks, its a bit of an improvement.
Thats more legible at face value, but when running an OCR on it, i'm still not getting much recognised, and its pretty garbled. I think it has to do with the number of artifacts, and the lack of definition of each letter.
Any other suggestions?

Why don't you just read it and retype it.
It's clear enough for that.
