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Good morning everyone, joined this morning and I hope to learn from you so that I may enhance and enjoy my photographs all the more.

When am little more confident I'll post some image's for you to see.

I am from Norfolk, UK. Retired and I have been taking photo's for a long time!

Many thanks ;)
Thank you dv8_fx, yes I use Photoshop CC and I am keen to learn more so the forum should be right up my street.
Welcome! It sounds like we are cut from the same cloth, Jak.

Not to put any pressure on you, but when you feel like it, why don't u start a thread in the Photography section to show off some of your photos. We would love to see them!


Tom M
Hello Jak and welcome to PSG. I'm also interested in seeing some of your work.

I lived in Suffolk for about 4 years. Southwold, Aldeburgh, Saxmundham, in that order.
Many thanks indeed for the warm welcome, and yes I will post some over exposed blurred images soon
