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Photoshop cloning advice


Hi all

I have a photo I need to edit and I wanted advice on the best way to do this.

I need to remove the carpet area in this image and clone the floor texture. Any advice gratefully received!



  • DSC_0092 small.jpg
    DSC_0092 small.jpg
    196.3 KB · Views: 10
This didn't take long with just the "Clone Stamp" tool and the "Healing Brush" tool, its sloppy but its only for demonstration...


You need to be careful when cloning this as there is a slight gradient shift on the floor....its darker on the left and the detail is also more prominent there too.

The shadow under the scooter is probably the difficult bit....you could try to clone it or remove it and add back a 'fake' shadow after....lesser of two evils really.

You may find 'Content Aware" useful too in any of its many guises.

Hi lawtzy

Here's a good video that will help you to learn to use the Clone Stamp Tool, it's takes a bit of practice like anything in Photoshop but once you get the hang of it you should be fine. There's only one way to learn practice, practice and even more practice!


If you need more help there's plenty of people here more than willing to help, the thing is to try it yourself and show the results you get then people can advise on the best way to progress.
2 seconds just before I posted and MrToM replies, I really need to type faster :rofl: or stop having a beer in between my thinking :shocked:
Thanks guys, really appreciate it. I have a little experience with the clone tool but the colour shift is the part I was struggling with in matching it up nicely!

I cloned in from either end.....keeping the sample parallel to references in the floor....the metal strip for instance.(Arrows)

This makes the 'gradient' shift show up like a baboons backside so that's when I used the "Healing Brush" to then blend it in. (hatched area approx).


You need to stay away from any high contrast areas when 'Healing' so you may need to clone the edges rather than heal them.....the "Content Aware" Fill may do a better job here....its a case of experimenting.

So, I've given this a go, and overall I'm reasonably pleased (I bow to your critiques though!). The shadow under the front I had to fill in myself, I'm not sure if I could have done this better? I'd appreciate your comments!


  • DSC_0092 small after.jpg
    DSC_0092 small after.jpg
    440.7 KB · Views: 8
I don't think this looks right to me.
It's lacking dimension. The floor looks offset.
Screen Shot 2015-05-21 at 3.41.22 PM.png

You might try adding a "block" underneath floor mount bracket and a faint shadow.
Screen Shot 2015-05-21 at 3.48.19 PM.png
Actually liked toms idea though, and I fixed it for you guys

What did you fix?

We try to encourage and instruct our members to do the work on their own if at all possible. This is the way they learn. It's fine to show an example of an idea or concept. lawtzy, in his first post, asked for advice on the best way to edit his image and not necessarily to have it done for him. Any one of our members could have fixed it for him.

As for your fixed image, you still need to add a shadow.

Take a look at the original image and notice the shadows..
Screen Shot 2015-05-21 at 7.36.14 PM copy.png
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What did you fix?

We try to encourage and instruct our members to do the work on their own if at all possible. This is the way they learn. It's fine to show an example of an idea or concept. lawtzy, in his first post, asked for advice on the best way to edit his image and not necessarily to have it done for him. Any one of our members could have fixed it for him.

As for your fixed image, you still need to add a shadow.

Take a look at the original image and notice the shadows..

Amen to all of that.
