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Robert DeNiro

Google Robert DeNiro.

Oh i did that mate, all i found really was an original of the copy you have drawn, tell me did you trace this first then make your alterations afterwards as i suspect, you see i do this type of work all of the time nothing wrong with tracing an outline say and then using what ever skills to fill in the contours and shading.
not accusing you of fraud mate, just looking for clarification as the 'work explanation' is a little vague'.

Google image i found as you requested i did

Paul, I don't think that the Canavarro was copied.

I think they were both drawn from this reference.

If we compare the two drawn images we can see that the anatomy are different between the images.
I overlaid all three images.

The eye's of AM's drawing...
Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 12.32.33 AM.png

...do not match the Canavarro drawing....
Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 12.32.52 AM.png

....but almost match the original photo reference perfectly.
Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 12.34.18 AM.png

This is a 50% overlay of the original photo of AM's drawing.
Almost exact.
Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 12.37.47 AM.png

This is a 50% overlay of the Canavarro drawing.
It's off in many places.
Screen Shot 2015-10-15 at 12.38.11 AM.png

There's no shame in tracing the reference points for accuracy and then completing the image by freehand, almost all artists do it.
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Sam said

There's no shame in tracing the reference points for accuracy and then completing the image by freehand, almost all artists do it.

I said that myself, just don't like the notion of him passing it off as his own when in fact it came from another artist, i am aware of the image you found and it is what they both copied from and that's the word for me COPIED.
I asked for reference art source and all i got was a 'google it', i did and i found him out.
Sam said

I said that myself, just don't like the notion of him passing it off as his own when in fact it came from another artist, i am aware of the image you found and it is what they both copied from and that's the word for me COPIED.
I asked for reference art source and all i got was a 'google it', i did and i found him out.

No problem there, Paul..... but we can't deny a certain amount of similarities between artist's works. And I see no harm if each artist passes the work as their own. After all, if it's a freehand, it's the artist's skill that reflect's in the drawing even if it's based on an actual photo.

And agent did mention "Google". And the source image was to be found there. Thus he's not hiding the fact. And agentmoeller isn't the first artist to do this. Other's do the same thing yet their works are appreciated......

No harm here and good freehand work on Deniro, @agentmoeller.......
Somehow I just knew that that wouldn't be the end of it with Paul. I am more than happy to admit that I googled DeNiro, picked a photo that I liked, traced the outline, then spent 5 hours filling it in by hand. You see, Paul, despite all your hair-splitting, needling, whining, etc., I consider this important training for me, as I am a police sketch artist. Any practice I can get creating a realistic-looking face makes me better at my job. And since I'm drawing anyway, I figure I might as well draw faces of friends and family (which you don't see here) and famous people I like (which you do). Personally, I think it's painfully obvious that I used and traced a reference photo, but I never claimed to have done it free-hand. People need to take a _ _ _ _ _ pill.
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Paul said:
I said that myself, just don't like the notion of him passing it off as his own when in fact it came from another artist, i am aware of the image you found and it is what they both copied from and that's the word for me COPIED.
I asked for reference art source and all i got was a 'google it', i did and i found him out.
Paul, I'm sorry, but I think your in error. Did he create a pencil drawing of the same photograph as Canavarro did, yes. But that's not a copy. AM's version his his own.

If your questioning originality, none of us can make that claim. It's just two separate artists having created a pencil drawing from the same reference photo. If you searched hard enough, I'm certain you would find more examples of other artists who also created pencil drawings of the same photo that would bear similarities. I feel these similarities between the two artworks in question here is coincidence.
Same thoughts here.... Similarities will occur.

Portrait artists does the same thing..... Freehand, Trace or both..... But it's the shading and other blemishes that distinguishes the work and the artist who created it.

No one can claim originality but can claim the work as their own as it was done with their individual, personal style.....
Paul may have some rough manners at times, but he is not picking at agent in this case.
He was asking a valid question and ignited a discussion, that is overflowing now.
I got to know Paul as a decent bloke. This forum needs a critical voice in due time.

@agent i did state i do the same, i just didn't like the idea of you dropping out an image that is clearly a copy, sketch artists need to practice sketching not copying/tracing mate @Sam will have to agree to disagree mate, @Vee like i said i do the same. @chrisdesign you are the only one who really gets what i try and convey here mate, the other left the building a while back. People take offence over such trivial things as being asked how it came about.

I do a lot of manipulation work on the canvas/screen and on forums:cheesygrin:, but all done with the best of intentions the truth is some people don't like the truth or being asked awkward questions at times.

Bottom line is if i had not asked some would still be in the dark as to the originality of that 'drawing', you see some people are not as up on artistic workings as others that's why they use forum boards to gain knowledge and learn new tricks etc.
Somehow I just knew that that wouldn't be the end of it with Paul. I am more than happy to admit that I googled DeNiro, picked a photo that I liked, traced the outline, then spent 5 hours filling it in by hand. You see, Paul, despite all your hair-splitting, needling, whining, etc., I consider this important training for me, as I am a police sketch artist. Any practice I can get creating a realistic-looking face makes me better at my job. And since I'm drawing anyway, I figure I might as well draw faces of friends and family (which you don't see here) and famous people I like (which you do). Personally, I think it's painfully obvious that I used and traced a reference photo, but I never claimed to have done it free-hand. People need to take a _ _ _ _ _ pill.

Constructive criticism is always welcome.

@agentmoeller's been a member here for 4 years and his work speaks for itself.
I agree with his comments and frustration.

But let's not allow off topic discussion to distract us from AM's fine work.

Speak of the image and his handiwork, guys....
I can only dream of having that level of sketching ability. In my previous attempts at facial or anatomical sketches, I unwittingly create aliens, and ugly ones at that.

Kudos to anyone who can draw freehand.
