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A friend of mine's daughter passed away a while ago, and this is one of the only photos they have of her. It is damaged, so I took a picture of the photo with my camera, but I simply do not have the skill to restore this pic.

I am uploading the PSD file, but if somebody need it in another format, I will gladly upload again.

I appreciate any help offered.

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Hi Paul

Hope you don't mind, I just tried to enhance your image a little, I will have to do a bit more work on it later

P.S great work BTW!

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Can anyone explain to me what causes these artifacts?
I removed the noise using Topaz DeJpeg and DeNoise but I can't get rid of those ones.
To shapen the image I used a High Pass filter making the problem even worse.

Picture artifacts.png
Can anyone explain to me what causes these artifacts?
I removed the noise using Topaz DeJpeg and DeNoise but I can't get rid of those ones.
To shapen the image I used a High Pass filter making the problem even worse.

View attachment 60268

Hi Eggy

Don't know what causes it but i do know one thing it's not easy to repair, I think you done a pretty good job considering the damage!

Can anyone explain to me what causes these artifacts?
I removed the noise using Topaz DeJpeg and DeNoise but I can't get rid of those ones.
To shapen the image I used a High Pass filter making the problem even worse.

View attachment 60268

I think it is to do with the photo paper, in some areas on certain photo papers you get this 'thickening' of glossy/matt lacquer, to do with the drying process with older images at development stage - could be wrong though:cheesygrin:
Nicely done Eggy, I don't think I could do any better than what you have done already, it's a tough one for sure!
