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Type tool in photoshop CS6


Well-Known Member
The type tool in my Photoshop CS6 version works on and off, more frequently off than on ! I cannot find out why !

Very often the text is not generated, but I only get a horizontal white line for every letter I type.

What am I doing wrong?

On the rare occasions when the tool works well, I am able to type my text both as a caption on the picture area itself as well as outside it..

Kindly give me some detailed instructions because at my age (a pensioner) I am easily baffled by computer navigation.

Many thanks.

Make sure that when you Click to start the text that you have a layer selected which is NOT below another layer that may obscure it.

Its very easy to just select the type tool, click, and start typing only to see exactly what you describe. More often than not the text layer is below another.....the tool still works as it should and you'll see all the cursor graphics denoting text is being written....but the text itself will not be visible if its under another layer.

Generally before Clicking to start the text, I make sure that the very top most layer is selcted, regardless of whether that's where I ultimately want it. This ensures I can always see the text as I type.

When done, I can then position the text layer to wherever I want it in the stack.

Your 'randomness' may come from having different layers selected when you click to start typing text.

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One more thing to try... make sure that the color of your text is different from the color of the background. I've accidentally done this more times than I care to mention---typing white text on a white background and then puzzling over why I don't see anything. Duh!!!
How very kind of you to come back to me with yet more sound advice.

Many, many thanks anew.

