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How do I do this?


New Member
I apologize if this is not the right thread for my question. I am having problems getting my text the way I want it, and hoping someone here can help me out.

The lettering in the upper left corner. How can I do this in photoshop? I use CS3. I want my test to align straight across the top and the bottom to follow a rounded path, exactly like this image below. I have had absolutely no luck with anything that I've tried. Thank you guys so much!
I can't remember back as far as CS3, but in the more recent versions of PS, the "Warp Text" tool, "Arc Lower", is what you want:

I think there are a few people on this forum who still have CS3 on their machines who will probably be able to tell you if that feature is supported in CS3.


Tom M

PS - There are a few other details necessary to get exactly the effect shown in your example, but let's start with this.
No, you don't need to use a path in combination with the "arc lower" tool. However, among other things, you will need to:

a) left justify your text;

b) modify a font to be compressed horizontally and stretched vertically; and,

c) use a layer mask to fade out the arced text about half way across your image (as is done in the example)

Tom M
I'm pretty sure CS3 has all those text features. I started with it. Just play with the adjustments in the dialog box to get the right look.
This can be done in CS3 yes.

If you don't have any luck with other solutions then I can show you how to do it.

If you have an image I could use as a template I could use it to be more specific to your project otherwise it will be just a 'generic' example.

