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Illustrator How long does it take to learn to design good logos



How long does it take to learn to design good logos and how many tutorials do you need?
Is lynda beginner adobe illustrator course and Udemy enough and then i just have to play with the tools for a while and i will be able to create awsome logos?
Thank you
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You did ask a similar question here
I have a wierd question

It's impossible to say and really depends on how quickly you can take to learning Illustrator, it's quite a complex application to learn and you will need to spend many hours practicing how to use the vast amount to tools and options that Illustrator provides, it's not something that you're going to learn overnight
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Precisely how long is your piece of string?

Sorry I don't mean to be flippant - but it depends on so many variables that it is impossible to say.

Very occasionally there will be someone that comes along that instinctively takes to the tools and within a very short time produces exceptional work. Other times there will be people that spend months learning the tools and become expert in the software but somehow just don't have it (that sparkle that is creativity) and never quite hit the mark.

I play guitar - I know all my scales, I can play in loads of different styles - but I will never be an Eric Clapton - unfortunately I just don't have it!.

Lynda is a very good resource for learning the tools of the trade - but you need to expose yourself to the industry to find out what works and what doesen't - trial by fire.

Best of luck and I sincerely hope that you get there - but learn your craft, there are rarely quick paths to success.

I once heard a saying which goes - "The fragile flower of theory needs to exist in the solid ground of practical experience" IE Learn all you can - but get out there and DO IT.


hmmm maybe i can rephrase this a little. Lynda.com has beginer intermediate, advanced and mastery. Wich level is reqiured for logo design? Are basic skills enough to do logo design or do you have to be a master and know all of the tools?
hmmm maybe i can rephrase this a little. Lynda.com has beginer intermediate, advanced and mastery. Wich level is reqiured for logo design? Are basic skills enough to do logo design or do you have to be a master and know all of the tools?
You need to take all levels of courses and learn all the tools. In doing so, you still will not be able to make "awesome" logos......................that's dependent on your skill and talent.

Right now can you show us some hand drawn logos that you have made? If you can't hand draw a logo, Illustrator will NOT help!
You need to take all levels of courses and learn all the tools. In doing so, you still will not be able to make "awesome" logos......................that's dependent on your skill and talent.

Right now can you show us some hand drawn logos that you have made? If you can't hand draw a logo, Illustrator will NOT help!

I can`t hand draw. But i went to a photoshop course for the last 2 weeks. The course teacher is one of the best UI UX designers in the country and he can`t draw also yet he can do logos and design interfaces.
The course teacher is one of the best UI UX designers in the country
Please forgive me but I seriously doubt this.

I don't mind that you can't draw, that's not the issue. But if you have an idea for a logo you can sketch out the basics on paper and show us.

Now that you have your two week Ps course under your belt, lets see one of your designs or composites. Any work will do. You had to have done some kind of project, right?

I'm not trying to pick at you, I only want to see your work and if you have any talent. Without talent, no graphics program is going to offer much help.
I suspect that what @IamSam was getting at is that Illustrator and Photoshop are only the tools. You need to get to grips with the concepts of design before you can effectively use the tools.

Just because you know how to use a word processor doesn't mean that you are a great novelist.

I still maintain that you need to immerse yourself in the world of design, look at function and form and work from there.

It is possible that you can come up with your own "style" that doesn't need to follow the concepts of design and form but to be honest that is unlikely. If you want to make it in the world of design you need to know what works and that can only come from studying what constitutes good design. As I said in a previous post - there are rarely shortcuts to success. You are going to need to work at it.

I wish you luck.


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Let's take a look at your first design.

If we take away the text and logo what are we left with?

We have a woman eating a garden salad (with a fork) on a background of bubbles.

What does this design say to you? Do you get that this is for an Asian Restaurant?

Screen Shot 2017-08-21 at 2.47.29 PM.png

What could you do to make this "cry out" fresh, hot, and delicious Asian Cuisine?
you need to look up concepts such as codes and conventions. People looking for Asian food will expect certain things, color schemes, shapes, words etc. this is part of the science of design. by all means break the rules, that is part of creativity, but you need to know the rules.


It was a mock-up after a banner for a local asian restaurant. I just looked for a similar picture.THe ideea was for me to create the 3 circles and learn how to create a mask
Please don't think I have been dismissive of your work. Your last post puts this in to a context. I appreciate you are early on in your learning and what you have provided meets your brief - IE to mask out certain parts of the image.

All any of us are saying is that you need to develop your skills. You clearly now know how to mask. Now continue to develop the creative skills you will need to become a great logo designer.


Sorry, I was called away.

Yes, I second what John has stated. I'm accepting of your current status and I'm not being hypercritical of your work. My concern all along has been that you seem to be under some impression that after a few online courses, you might be able to create awesome logos. The truth is that we don't really know how long will it take? We can give you advice based on our own observations and experience, but only you can have any affect on how quickly or awesome you will become.

As I have eluded to, the only other determining factor will be your underlying talent. While I am an excellent artist, I can draw and paint and I'm very good with graphics and comps but...................even though I know how to and have done many, I'm terrible at designing logos! I just don't have that talent. Creating logos is an art.
