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How to make a pattern preview and post patterns


Heeloo :)

I have just been having a blast making photoshop patterns, I could do this forever it feels like :). I have only made a few as a test, but if anyone would like them, I want to know how to share them.

1- How do I best make a preview of them?
2-How do I post them so that others can download them if they want them?

Please explain like to a baby, I always have problems with things like this lol.
"What would Brian Boitano do if he was here right now?"

I think he would:
1. Make 700px x 500 px image.
2. Make new layer (not empty, color don't matter).
3. Add layer style/pattern overlay with pattern you want to show and play with options till it's pretty.
3a. Maybe add color overlay and set pattern overlay's mode to different from Normal for some cool effect.
4. Save for Web & Devices as jpg.

For pattern itself:
1. Choose Paint Bucket Tool.
2. Choose Pattern in options and pattern you used in first stage.
3. Slide mouse over that pattern, release mouse, don't breathe and watch how information about pattern apears. Dimensions/Color mode.
4. Make document with those settings.
5. From first stage, do step 2 and 3 (in that step don't play with modes and scale, just Normal and 100%).
6. Do step 4 from first stage,
7. Post first stage result and this result. And add author (yours) description to it.

I think that would be enough.

And that's i think what would Brian Boitano do :)
"What would Brian Boitano do if he was here right now?"

I think he would:
1. Make 700px x 500 px image.
2. Make new layer (not empty, color don't matter).
3. Add layer style/pattern overlay with pattern you want to show and play with options till it's pretty.
3a. Maybe add color overlay and set pattern overlay's mode to different from Normal for some cool effect.
4. Save for Web & Devices as jpg.

For pattern itself:
1. Choose Paint Bucket Tool.
2. Choose Pattern in options and pattern you used in first stage.
3. Slide mouse over that pattern, release mouse, don't breathe and watch how information about pattern apears. Dimensions/Color mode.
4. Make document with those settings.
5. From first stage, do step 2 and 3 (in that step don't play with modes and scale, just Normal and 100%).
6. Do step 4 from first stage,
7. Post first stage result and this result. And add author (yours) description to it.

I think that would be enough.

And that's i think what would Brian Boitano do :)

Thank you SeniorS, but I don´t think Brian Boitano (whoever he is) understood what I meant, or I don´t understand him lol. :)

1. I have already made the patterns, and defined them, and saved them as a set. I want to know how to make a thing with like squares or something, and put each different patteren into each square on the same "canvas", so that people can preview them and see what they look like. (thank you for telling me to make a jpeg save for web and devices though, that I didn´t think of :))

2- How do I upload them here to this site? :)
Okey, now first (what would Brian do :)):
1. Count how many patterns you have. With calculator find best count per line horizontaly and verticaly (kike 5x7 or 6x9).
2. Decide how big should be one pattern. I would still sugest those width 700px for total image so it's 2 in row. Or go for really big and put them all together in one image your choise.
2.a Make that final preview image how big you want.
3. Any way. Calculate how big one square will be by dividing total image width with pattern per line count.
4. Make such square image.
5. Makelayer do filling with pattern and flattern image.
6. Copy/paste it to final image. Positioning with move tool.
7. Go back to little square image and undo flattern.
8. Go to pattern overlay and choose next pattern. Flattern image.
9. Repeat 6-8 as many times as needed.
10. Save final project as tif (just in case). And Save for Web.

Post it with comments and separate patterns.
Okey, now first (what would Brian do :)):
1. Count how many patterns you have. With calculator find best count per line horizontaly and verticaly (kike 5x7 or 6x9).
2. Decide how big should be one pattern. I would still sugest those width 700px for total image so it's 2 in row. Or go for really big and put them all together in one image your choise.
2.a Make that final preview image how big you want.
3. Any way. Calculate how big one square will be by dividing total image width with pattern per line count.
4. Make such square image.
5. Makelayer do filling with pattern and flattern image.
6. Copy/paste it to final image. Positioning with move tool.
7. Go back to little square image and undo flattern.
8. Go to pattern overlay and choose next pattern. Flattern image.
9. Repeat 6-8 as many times as needed.
10. Save final project as tif (just in case). And Save for Web.

Post it with comments and separate patterns.

Thank you SeniorS! I will try to do what you said, I tried with just 4 of them as a test but it turned out terrible, like this:

Normal. But too...speckled (or something).
That's why i think it's better to keep one pattern per image.

Thank you again SeniorS:) I don´t understand this either ( sigh, I am terrible with things like this). If I am to attach a set of patterns from my pattern presets in photoshop, How do I get there from here? In the "browse files" in the "manage attachments" thing, do I go in through there and start looking through my whole computer after all the " Appdata/ roaming/Adobe/photoshop/presets/patterns/whatever" ? Sigh. lol.
Resave your pattern at different, normal named place. That what would Brian do :) With method i gave or your own.
Normal. But too...speckled (or something).
That's why i think it's better to keep one pattern per image.

I think you are right, but it will be a lot of posting preview images if I do it one at a time, maybe if I put more similar patterns together, then it wouldn´t look so messy maybe. Like this it would be like a "variety pack" or something. I was having fun with this, but now I´m starting to regret that I started lol! :)
Resave your pattern at different, normal named place. That what would Brian do :) With method i gave or your own.

Ok..... so I copy them from the photoshop pattern presets into another folder with .pat files? I am never going to get this right lol.
Happens. Maybe try make one pattern per line but narrow. Like 700px width but height for one pattern 150-200px. And some 6-7 of them in one image (one above other) of them
Happens. Maybe try make one pattern per line but narrow. Like 700px width but height for one pattern 150-200px. And some 6-7 of them in one image (one above other) of them

Ok, that sounds like it would look better maybe. Thank you SeniorS, I´ll try that! :)
Or maybe make new ones that all have the same kind of colors, like 6 of each or something, then they won´t look so terrible next to each other maybe.
Just create a set in your preset manager say 10 patterns and then select them and save a set under a name you would recognise then go to c:\program files\adobe\photoshop\ presets\ patterns select the pattern set you had predefined copy it to your desktop add it to zip archive then upload it heremaybe with a picture on the post with a preview of all the patterns so we can see what we are downloading
you have it down on the color coordination . nice work V
Just create a set in your preset manager say 10 patterns and then select them and save a set under a name you would recognise then go to c:\program files\adobe\photoshop\ presets\ patterns select the pattern set you had predefined copy it to your desktop add it to zip archive then upload it heremaybe with a picture on the post with a preview of all the patterns so we can see what we are downloading

Ok, thank you Hoogle! I was messing around with WinRar yesterday, since I have never used it to zip anything, I only know how to unzip things lol. I was able to make a pattern set, no problem, but I don´t really understand the zip archive thing, The set I have made becomes 1 file, and it seems strange to zip just one file, I don´t really understand. :)
