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Photoshop request(Miata)


New Member
Question Photoshop Request?
Im just wondering if someone could do me a favor that is decent with photoshop, as of now I have a white 1.8 miata with a tan top but I'm getting tired of the white. If someone could photoshop a black Miata with silver/chrome advanti storm s1 wheels and a tan soft top it would be appreciated also I'm looking into painting it dark metallic blue with black advanti storm s1 wheels Thanks in advance I attached a base photo of a miata for you to edit, I also attached photos of the chrome and black wheels.IMG_0845.JPGIMG_0844.JPG


  • IMG_0843.JPG
    445.2 KB · Views: 6
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You're welcome.
It's not hard with decent images to work with.
