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Qaulity Issue with line work


So I've been using PS cs6 for a while, with a particular interest in drawing manga/anime. Obviously for this I will be doing a lot of drawing/linework.

Everytime I try and draw, I find it very difficult because I have noticed that my lines seem to be somewhat pixelated or rough.
View attachment 75802like this.
No matter what I do to the brush hardness or spacing. (spacing was 1% on both of these)
View attachment 75803(jagged appearance)
Does anybody know why this happens? I've seen many artists using the same program who have smooth lines.

EDIT: My brush was 8 pixels and my canvas was over 3000x3000 pixels. I've tried many many variants, such as making the brush more pixels or enlarging the canvas, and still get this problem. Nothing seems to be working, and this has been a problem for me for a long time.

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Hi Huskyprada

When you are drawing with a brush of 1 pixel in size, that is what you will experience.

Try using a large canvas/total image size in pixel dimensions and increase the brush size up a few pixels. Leaving the brush not so hard with more pixels will make it appear smoother.

Hope the suggestions helps

John Wheeler
Hi Huskyprada

When you are drawing with a brush of 1 pixel in size, that is what you will experience.

Try using a large canvas/total image size in pixel dimensions and increase the brush size up a few pixels. Leaving the brush not so hard with more pixels will make it appear smoother.

Hope the suggestions helps

John Wheeler

Thanks for the reply,sorry that I wasnt specific enough, however, my brush size was actually around 8-10 pixels and my canvas was around 3000x3000 pixels, which is why I am confused. Even when I make the brush bigger, I still have the same problem.
What are your brush settings on your brush panel?
Hi huskyprada

the dual image you provided with hardness 100% and hardness 0% is not with brush size of 8-10 pixels in the image lines.

So either the brush was a smaller pixel size or more likely you reduced the pixel dimensions of the image. Either one would make the lines more pixelated.

You can post up to 3500 x 3500 pixels on this web site so show the full image and then better recommendations can be given.

If you are still having issues, I suggest resetting your Brush tool

Just a suggestion

John Wheeler
My brush settings are

size: 8 pixels
hardness: 0%
spacing: 1%
shape dynamics: on
smoothing: on

It seems to be bad quality no matter what brush settings I use
Turn your shape dynamics off.

Reset your Brush Tool.

Right click on the Brush Tool Icon on the Tools options bar and choose reset tool.
Screen Shot 2017-07-03 at 11.14.58 PM.png

If this does not work, reset Ps preferences.

This is how to reset your preferences in Photoshop: Press-and-hold Command-Option-Shift on a Mac or Ctrl-Alt-Shift on a PC, while you start Photoshop. As you start the program you will get a pop-up dialog asking you if you would like to delete the settings file, click yes.
Hi Huskyprada

There is one more possibility if the Brush and Preference resets do not work.

If you are viewing the image at lower PS magnification and only magnify the image through your OS screen zoom, you will see pixelation.

If you use the PS magnification only the lines will be much smoother at with an 8 pixel brush.

I also suggest that you post that actual image file for others to observe your issue if none of the above suggestions solve your issue.

John Wheeler
I did both,
Untitled-1.jpgthis is the fullsize
aUntitled-1.jpgreduced size
Is this normal? I feel like its still jagged. I see a lot of artists who reduce their canvas a lot more but don't lose so much quality
HI huskyprada

The images you posted show the issue. When you reduce the image size the lines go from ~8 pixels brush size to less than 3 pixel brush size. There are a variety of rendering intents that you can try with Image > Image resize yet they all will look fairly pixelated.

Its possible that other artists are rendering the images another way and/or they are using larger canvas sizes that inherently would not show as much pixelation. If you had examples from other artists that is better then that could help yet with the stand image resize on PS, I believe this is what you get.

John Wheeler
