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Illustrator Question on manipulating shapes

I'm trying to create a V shape in Illustrator, using two rectangles. I want to know if there's a way to drag the outside corner anchor points of each shape down until they meet at the bottom, where the red arrows are drawn, while keeping them in line with the outside line of the rectangle.

Anyone got any ideas?



  • question.jpg
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I should mention, the best method is to make just one rectangle. Drag the single outside bottom point down until it aligns with the point above it. Then reflect copy that rectangle at 90°. Move into place and use the pathfinder to join them.
My apologies.

Let me expand.

I know that I can select the direct selection tool, click on the desired anchor point, and move that point anywhere I want it.

When I am clicking and holding on the point, the outline of my shape appears in red. I want to move a corner point down, while keeping the outside boundary line of the shape perfectly in line with the existing angle.

Is there any way to move the anchor point, such CLICK+ALT or CLICK+SHIFT or CLICK+CTRL or CLICK+WHATEVER, that constrains the shape in that way?

I may not be understanding what you want to do but to eliminate dragging the point try this:
Place a vertical guide over the bottom left anchor, then add a new anchor above it at the intersection of the guide and the object. Now delete the lower right anchor:


  • ScreenShot001.jpg
    36.5 KB · Views: 0
Aaaaah. Very clever.

I don't think Illustrator will do what I want, but that is a pretty wizard hack for it.

I guess I don't understand what you are trying to do.Perhaps you can explain better.
There are ways to create that kind shape without dragging anchor points. For instance you can place another shape over it and use pathfinder to minus the front shape.


  • ScreenShot001.jpg
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I created a logo that is, essentially, a fancy "W."

I wanted to make sure the various parts of the logo were all exactly the same width. So I created one rectangle, and just duplicated it over and over to build each part of the logo.

But I wanted sharp corners, so I had to drag corners down to meet each other.

If you look at the image, you can kinda guess what I mean. (This is not the final logo, BTW)

So I grabbed anchor points, dragged them to sharp corners, and had to eyeball the hilighted shape outlines to make sure my widths were consistent.

Does that make sense?


  • poway_range_1.jpg
    238.7 KB · Views: 1
You're on the right track.Copying the rectangles is the best way to keep things uniform. But instead of dragging points, use the pathfinder like I suggested. It's more accurate and faster.

For the non 90° parts, rotate the object to the desired angle. Align one over the other and use pathfinder divide function. Then delete the parts you don't want. I made the pieces different colors so it's easier to see, but they are copies of the same rectangle.

You only need to build one complete half, then join it and reflect a copy. Then join the two halves together.


  • ScreenShot003.jpg
    50.5 KB · Views: 0
Aha. Another good idea. Never even thought of using Pathfinder like that.

Dragging wasn't so bad, and it turned out pretty nice in the end.
