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Resizing an Image in CS5 (Without using Image Resize)



I just got CS5 and wanted to resize my image. Now I know I can go to Menu > Resize image, but thats not what I want.

In CS3 I could use the Move Tool and a Black Box with 8 little black boxes around the image would appear and I could resize the picture with them.

How do I re-enable that feature in CS5?
Far as I know, the move tool doesn't do anything like that, never did. As Hawkeye says, it's the crop tool you're looking for and it's 9 boxes actually. Well maybe it was 8 in CS3. Anyway, if you pull the crop tool around the image and pull out a handle, it will resize the canvas. I don't know of any tool that will resize the actual img. ... If it exists, someone here will know.
Since when it's PS screenshot?

I merely doubt it. If you would show little more of menu i'll believe in that.
Far as I know, the move tool doesn't do anything like that, never did. As Hawkeye says, it's the crop tool you're looking for and it's 9 boxes actually. Well maybe it was 8 in CS3. Anyway, if you pull the crop tool around the image and pull out a handle, it will resize the canvas. I don't know of any tool that will resize the actual img. ... If it exists, someone here will know.

Alright, Thanks for the help then!
LoL...i was start to worry.

CS3 have same thing about resizing as CS5.

1. You can use transformation tool to resize image but document size will not change.
2. You can use crop tool (c) for that. And it looks like your screenshot. But to not just crop but really resize image you need before starting to crop set size parametrs in Options panel.

In CS3 I could use the Move Tool and a Black Box with 8 little black boxes around the image would appear and I could resize the picture with them.

How do I re-enable that feature in CS5?

In the Move Tool Options bar, enable "Show Transform Controls".

You will get 8 drag points around the perimeter and a movable rotate point in the middle.

With this option selected, whenever you are using the Move Tool, the Transform command is automatically invoked if you drag a handle, move the rotation point, or rotate with your mouse.


It's the same in Cs3 and Cs5.




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