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New Camera


Finally able to get a new camera so I'm not having to use my phone as much. I'm looking at this one https://www.keh.com/207797/canon-rebel-xti-black-digital-camera-body-10-1-m-p but I'm unsure what lens to get. I think this one will work https://www.keh.com/208713/canon-18-55mm-f-3-5-5-6-ef-s-mount-lens-for-aps-c-sensor-dslrs-58 but thought I'd ask the experts here :mrgreen:. I know I'll need other stuff later on when I get into a photography class, but think this is good for now. Is there anything I should get now?
They're both offered as kit lenses for camera bodies and I've used them both.
I'd suggest the 18 to 135 for the obvious reason, the longer focal length.
The down side is it's a heavy lens,

Whatever combination you buy make sure there is an unconditional return policy on everything.
If there is dust or dirt on the lens or sensor or if the camera or lens is out of calibration Canon charges around $180 (US) to clean and calibrate a camera and lens.
The return policy is short, like two weeks. But is there anything I should get now besides the camera and lens? I was thinking bout a tripod, but not sure I really need it. I know I'll need to get a new memory card. This uses the CompactFlash (CF) Card Type I & II memory card.
I think your top priority should be testing the camera before you buy anything more than a memory card.
You need to make sure the focus is sharp and there's no dirt that will show up on an image.

Here are a couple of things you can do at no cost.

In a well lit area tape a piece of news paper to a wall, outdoors in the shade on a sunny day would be good.
Set your camera to a low ISO, set the aperture to "around" f8 and the shutter speed to anything over 100.
You can try this in "P" mode if you're in a well lit area just get the aperture and shutter close to the settings I mentioned.
Just a note:
You're using a low ISO because it has the least amount of noise
You're using a middle aperture (5.6-8-11) because that's where the lense is the sharpest.
You're using a shutter speed high enough not to worry about camera shake, 1/100 is minimum but the higher the better

Take several photos of the newspaper sheet and examine it closely in Photoshop, zoom way in in PS and make sure it's sharp
do it a couple of times on several images.
If you're not satisfied with the sharpness send it back.

To check for dirt, set your camera on manual focus and take a photo of a blank surface like a wall in your house but manually focus the lense so it's WAY out of focus and blurry.
Check the image thoroughly and look for dark spots, that's dust or dirt in the lens or on the sensor.

If you're satisfied with everything the first thing I would buy is a decent double coated polarizer filter if you plan on doing a lot of landscape photography
A tripod is nice to have but you really don't need it for now.
Hi Hershey - KEH is indeed very reputable. In fact, they are probably the best used photography vendor in the world. They almost always understates the condition of the used stock they sell. That being said, they can't possibly check every function on every camera they sell, so it's wise to do the tests that Steve suggested, along with just getting out and shooting like crazy with the camera under as many different operating conditions as you can. Particularly, try all the different modes, eg, Aperture and Shutter Priority, and Manual. If it doesn't behave as you expect, since this is (...I think...) your first DSLR, double check that what you expect is what really should happen.

Also, take a test run of shots of exactly the same scene in "A" mode, full wide angle, at apertures ranging from wide open (eg, f/3.5) all the way to the smallest aperture that lens offers (ie, f/16, 22, or something in that range). One typical problem is the lubricant on the aperture blades failing and so the aperture sticks. If it's working properly, the exposure for all versions of the scene should be essentially identical. OTOH, if the aperture is sticking, it almost always sticks "open", so what will happen is that the photos at (supposedly) smaller apertures will be significantly brighter than those at wider apertures.

Good luck with it. IMHO, it's a can't-go-wrong camera purchase for you.

I am looking forward to getting it and seeing how well it works. Thanks for all the help. I was on the fence about pulling the trigger and buying it. Now I'm 99% sure I'm going to do it. Just waiting to get paid lol.
Ok I just bought a OLYMPUS E-300 DIGITAL CAMERA BODY {8 M/P} along with OLYMPUS 35-105MM F/3.5-4.5 OM MOUNT MANUAL FOCUS LENS {55} and a 8gb compact flash memory card. Can't wait to get it. According to KEH should take 1-5 days to ship it.
I thought this part would be simple, but I can not figure out how to attach the lens to my camera. There were no instructions or anything included. Really didn't expect there to be since it's used lol. Is it possible I got the wrong lens even though both are from Olympus? I'm going to keep looking around til I find the info I need but hopefully some one here has an idea of what to do.
Hershey, I've never used Olympus eqipment, but if I'm not mistaken, that is a modern "four-thirds" camera with a particular lens mount that requires compatible lenses or at least an adapter. OTOH, if I'm not mistaken, "OM-mount" lenses are for older, full size bodies, and probably would not be immediately compatible with the newer 4/3rd body.

I did get an OM lens, I thought I had the filters set so I would only see the stuff that would work with the camera. Guess not, I thought I would have to send the lens back but maybe an adapter would be a cheaper route. Don't know if it's better, but definitely easier.
Another advantage of getting an adapter is that you will then be able to use any of the older OM mount lenses. These can usually be found cheaper than the newer lenses for 4/3 systems. However do check that the lens automation features such as autofocus and autoexposure will work with the particular adapter and lenses that you are considering.

Well I'm exchanging the lens with the correct one, the new one is already to ship. They just need the lens I have now and about $10 to pay the difference. I didn't ask what lens I'll get in exchange, so I just emailed them back to ask. Learn from me people, pay attention to what you're ordering.
