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match skin tone


Well-Known Member
i've made those photos with different light settings. I have RAW files but can't figure out how to make skin tone look similar. how should i make it similar?
There are many ways to do this.

If you want to match the colors of the photo on the right hand side with the colors of those from the left hand side:
- open both pictures in a double window (vertical or horizontal doesn't matter)
- add a hue/saturation layer on the photo on the right side and since this photo is slightly yellow, select red instead of master.
- use the hue slider to the left (reds) and the saturation to the left too.
- since you have both photo's on top of each other you can visually make corrections.

not corrected.jpg corrected.jpg
not corrected.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. corrected

again, this is one way to do it...
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I used your uploaded pics, so no problem.
You'll have to find your way in using this.
Remember, no skin is the same.

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could you please send me what settings you used in hue/saturation adjustement layer in this particular case? you made it look great! I will make some standard light settings for such photos.
Oops, I don't have the PSD file no more, but I think with the red selected hue - 3 or 4 and saturation - 5 ish...
But please do experiment with two windows open to visualize the changes.
If needed add an adjustment layer brightness/contrast.
Because the two photos are so similarly lit, there is a more precise way to match skin colors.

1. Use the color sampler tool to select a sample of the skin color. Choose a "medium toned" spot, one that is neither deep shadow nor bright highlight. Use the color sampler to select the equivalent spot on both images (see first attachment).
2. Looking at the data in the Info window, write down the individual RGB values of the spot you are trying to match from your first image. In my example, the RGB values of the spot I selected are 224, 183, 171.
3. Now go to the other image that you want to adjust. The RGB values of the "same" sampled spot in this image are 233, 196, 178. We need to change them.
4. Add a Curves adjustment layer and change the Output value of each color channel to change it from "233, 196, 178" to the new values of "224, 183, 171". If this step is unclear, look at the attached video.
5. I've done this in my second attachment below. This technique does not require you to judge the match using just your eye---you can precisely match the numbers and it works well on images like these.



thanks for your tutorial Rich54 but i've wathed the video and when i try to change the curves output (the text field on the right) for red,then blue and green colors with the rgb values from the color sampler i have some strange result like on the image.Untitled-1.jpg
when i try to change the curves output (the text field on the right) for red,then blue and green colors with the rgb values from the color sampler i have some strange result like on the image.

I think I see what you are doing wrong. In the screen-shot you attached, your curves adjustment in the red channel shows the curve as a straight line, which means you have adjusted the end-point of the curve. This is incorrect. The correct adjustment will make the curves graph be literally curved rather than straight.

In the image below, I have placed a red circle around a little hand icon embedded within the curves adjustment. That's the step you missed if you go back to the video I attached. You need to click on that hand icon and then----with the icon activated----click it on the spot near the woman's mouth you had previously selected using the color sampler. Once that specific spot is selected, the curves adjustment will now apply precisely to that spot on the image, and the rest of the resulting curve will automatically adjust all other tonal values in the rest of the image. But the key point is that by using the hand icon, your curves adjustment will apply to precisely the spot near the mouth that you selected using the color sample tool, allowing you to enter the precise RGB value that specifically applies to that spot, and which matches the equivalent spot in the other image you're trying to match. Once you've done that hand icon step to select the precise spot on the curve, what I do is, rather than using my mouse to adjust the curve, I click my mouse on the actual number displayed in the Output box and manually over-write it with the new number I want it to be. Entering a new number directly in the Output box will automatically correctly adjust the curve in the histogram. Then repeat the same steps for the Green and Blue channels.

Ninanoki - Do you not remember the following post, as well as several other posts in that same thread which described exactly the same technique for matching colors that Rich is now trying, once again, to teach you. In other words, using the direct input of numerical values to make the R, G, and B values to match at corresponding points on two images.

How to use Photoshop to make a tooth colour analysis?

Covering the exact same material over and over again, and you effectively ignoring dozens of carefully written posts that all were trying to help you is why I no longer respond to your posts. I suggest you re-read this post:
How to use Photoshop to make a tooth colour analysis?

As well as an earlier, very similar post, where both I and John ("thebestcpu") suggested you hire experts in the field of lighting, color calibration and real-world programming of image processing tasks (ie, NOT using PS and actions).

Tom M

PS - Arghhh ... Links didn't copy over correctly using my cell phone. When I get home, I'll correct them.
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