Because the two photos are so similarly lit, there is a more precise way to match skin colors.
1. Use the color sampler tool to select a sample of the skin color. Choose a "medium toned" spot, one that is neither deep shadow nor bright highlight. Use the color sampler to select the equivalent spot on both images (see first attachment).
2. Looking at the data in the Info window, write down the individual RGB values of the spot you are trying to match from your first image. In my example, the RGB values of the spot I selected are 224, 183, 171.
3. Now go to the other image that you want to adjust. The RGB values of the "same" sampled spot in this image are 233, 196, 178. We need to change them.
4. Add a Curves adjustment layer and change the Output value of each color channel to change it from "233, 196, 178" to the new values of "224, 183, 171". If this step is unclear, look at the attached video.
5. I've done this in my second attachment below. This technique does not require you to judge the match using just your eye---you can precisely match the numbers and it works well on images like these.