Hey Guys
Before I show, just to give some background to the ASN-121, it's the droid seen in the beginning of Star Wars Episode II, It's a modified courier droid that belonged to the ill fated assassin Zam Wesell.
This was the concept I worked from:

this was a render made after 3 and 1/2 hours of modelling in max

please critique with whatever thoughts you have, I'm not looking for anyone knowledgeable on 3dsmax or modelling here, just a person who knows how to point out good bits, and bits for improvement think of this purely from an artistic point of view.
I'm also eager to hear your suggestions on colour schemes, I'm going to do the original paint scheme seen in the movie, but what other paint schemes should I do? it seems a waste to just do one colour scheme and leave it at that.
also tempted to add a cityscape to it, thoughts?
P.S, there are cutout bits on the concept piece showing the internals of the droid, hence why they aren't there on the model.
Before I show, just to give some background to the ASN-121, it's the droid seen in the beginning of Star Wars Episode II, It's a modified courier droid that belonged to the ill fated assassin Zam Wesell.
This was the concept I worked from:

this was a render made after 3 and 1/2 hours of modelling in max

please critique with whatever thoughts you have, I'm not looking for anyone knowledgeable on 3dsmax or modelling here, just a person who knows how to point out good bits, and bits for improvement think of this purely from an artistic point of view.
I'm also eager to hear your suggestions on colour schemes, I'm going to do the original paint scheme seen in the movie, but what other paint schemes should I do? it seems a waste to just do one colour scheme and leave it at that.
also tempted to add a cityscape to it, thoughts?
P.S, there are cutout bits on the concept piece showing the internals of the droid, hence why they aren't there on the model.
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